Welcome to the fully devoted page of Yu-Gi-Oh!
This doesn't revolve around the world popular card game, but the awesome TV show!!!!
Marik Ishtar- He is the leader of the Rare Hunters. He possesses the Millenium Rod and Winged Dragon of Ra. During battle city he turns in the psychopathic Yami Marik...
Yugi Muto/Yami Yugi-Yugi is a good guy and obtains the Millenium Puzzle and Slifer the Sky Dragon after beating Strings(a rare hunter) in a duel. His alter ego is Yami Yugi. Yami is the ancient Pharoh. He still does not remember his ancient past...
Seto Kiba- Seto is Yugis arch rival. Ever since Yugi beat him in a duel he has tried to do anything to beat Yugi. He obtains Oblisk the Tormentor. His ancient past of being the ancient soceror against Yugi gave him the ability to use that card...
Bakura/Yami Bakura- Bakura is Yugis school mate. He obtains the Millenium Ring. Yami Bakura is bad, he steals Pegasus's Millenium Eye and is after Yugi's Puzzle...
That is all the bios for now...